#HackingGreat 4 @ Cybercom

Pre-requisite information and general information for the #HackingGreat sauna evening by Cybercom.

Information about the Time and Place see Meetup registration page https://www.meetup.com/HackingGreat-Cybercom/events/238053879/

Collaborative Spotify playlist: http://open.spotify.com/user/cybercomfinland/playlist/3UjTaopdGCr4xc8TWUWKJH (Using your own account, click “follow”, and then you can add songs to the playlist)

Technical information and code are in Github repo https://github.com/cybercom-finland/hacking-great-4

Bring your own laptop with preferably Linux! Other operating systems can be made to work, but that is more work for you.

Our walker, Pertti

Tech Track 1: Capture-the-Flag - Nina Kuisma

No information about the objective is revealed beforehand.

To prepare you can search Capture the Flag from Internet.

Prerequisites and tools:

Tech Track 2: Web-application and attacker (eg. DOS) scenario - Toni Ylenius

Prerequisites and tools:

Tech Track 3: Mobile maps with OpenStreetMap – Erno Mäkinen

Prerequisites and tools:

Tools common for all the tracks: